Here are 24 bear jokes, dad-style, to tickle your funny bone. Share them with everyone!
- Why did the bear quit his job at the daycare center? It was panda-monium.
- What is a polar bear’s favorite cereal? Ice Crispies.
- How do bears travel when they go on vacation? Bear-o-planes.
- What is a polar bear’s favorite healthy snack? Iceberg lettuce and snow peas.
- Which animal can hibernate while standing on its head? Yoga Bear.
- Who’s a bear’s favorite poet? William Shakesbeare.
- Why did the bear need to take a break? He just likes to paws and reflect sometimes.
- Why was the bear a good fit for the job? He had all the right koalifications.
- Why did the bear go to the flea market? He was on the search for the best beargain.
- What is a bear’s favorite kind of chocolate? Cadbeary Eggs.
- Why was the little bear so spoiled? Because its mother panda’d to its every need.
- What did the bear say when he fell down the stairs? How embearassing.
- What did the bear say when his friends asked to hang out? Sorry, I need to spend some koalaty time with my family.
- How do you catch a fish without a fishing rod? With your bear hands.
- What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
- What’s black and white, black and white, black and white? A panda rolling down a hill.
- Did you hear about the guy who got killed by a bear? It was a grizzly death.
- What do you call a male bear with a rubber toe? Rubeartoe.
- Why do grizzlies never look sad? Because whenever there’s a problem, they just grin and bear it.
- What do you call a teddy bear and a pig? A teddy boar.
- Do you know you only need two letters to spell panda? You need a P and A.
- How does a bear stop a movie? It hits the paws button.
- Where does a polar bear go to vote? The North Pole.
- Why do polar bears have fur coats? Because they would look weird in ski jackets